
Friday, 23 June 2017


(mum) (dad) (baby donny) ( carly) (jack)
It was a cold and windy night carly and jack and baby donny was watching tv well mum was cooking  but when dad came home mum   went for a little shopping while dad was not looking at the stove mum came back and seew a big fire so carly and jack and baby donny and dad made out but mum was still inside she was chring to blow the fire but then she found a bucket of water she splashed it on the Fire
But dad was going in the house to go and save mum but he could not find her so he went outside so The he called the fire apartment
And when the fire apartment came they went inside but dad said if she is in there and awake tell her that i send my love to her but They came out without her and then they said i’m sorry but we can't see her so dad had to take matter into his own hands
He went inside then  he her a schram so he went inside the living
room and he found her stuck under the tv so dad tried to lift it up but
He did not had the strength so he called the fire magaters to come inside and the living room and help me so they came
Inside and they helped him so they came inside and they lifted up the tv and dad took her and they saved her and she had to go to the hospital but they went to see her and she said thank you for saving me.                                                                                     Thank you for reading my lovely story

Told by: Lesieli.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Cinquain poem

                                        Cinquain poem  

                        FURRY, HAIRY, CUTE
                      JUMPY, HOPPY, PRETTY
                     I HOPE SHE ADOPTS ME

Friday, 16 June 2017

Military style fitness

Military style fitness
Today,we did fitness in military style. First we did a little warm up to stretch our muscles.then we got into groups and picked our two leaders and discussed our chants and what we were going to do for jogging together as a team. Had to use a lot of teamwork and put in a lot of effort in this military style exercise we did today.
Our fitness helped us work  as a team.