
Monday, 11 November 2019

Smart footprint

Smart learners are creating a positive digital footprint 

*Whatever you posted online no matter what it is a part of your digital footprint.

*If you posted something bad on social media and you try to find a good job were
they pay you good money the first thing they would do is they will search up your
name and find those bad photos that you posted and they would be thinking like
“oh no, she/he must be a bad person” and they would not want to hire you.

*Once you post something and delete it, it will stay there because maybe someone
might have saved it and keep it before you deleted it.

*Anything you post, share, comment online it leads a footprint it is easy to track so
think before you act and be careful what you comment, share and post on social media.

*If you post something that seems funny or cool to you well some people could
misunderstand it and they might throw hate comments.

*If you have something private to share just share it with the people you trust not online
or to other people at school because they could tell others and your secret would no longer
be one so just keep it to yourself and respect their wishes.

*The photos that you post online is g.o tagged and could reveal your location for example
you post something like we are at the mall today having fun and someone knows where it is
then they might just decides to come there and plan to attack you or kidnap you.

Think twice before you post anything online and remember to be cyber smart!

 Image result for manaiakalani cybersmart"

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