
Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Ready set grow!

Ready set grow!

What types of vegetables are shown in the text?

beens, sweet corn, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, capcicines, sow carrots, parsnips, beetroots, radishes, chillies and sweet pepper.  

Which vegetables grow faster in warm soil?

beans, sweet corn, tomatoes.

What are the 2 things that are important for summer crops?

Sowing seeds in then situ and a planting box.

What are 2 types of beans that grow?

Climbing beans and dwarf beans.

How many times do you need to water your plants in a week? 

Water your plants for about 1 hour.

What is pollination? (explain in your own words)

Pollination is when other insects like bees go out for food, but when it's humid the pollen gets sticky and will not transfer well from bee to stigma.

What type of weather do you need to grow juicy tomatoes?

Warm and sunny weather.

What is germination?

Germination is going through the process of when a seed turns into a plant or vegetables.

What are pests?

Pests are little bugs that eat plants that you grow in your garden.

What are root vegetables?

Root vegetables are for example you plant a carrot and there will be the roots that are attached to it, so basically it's vegetables that still have their roots attached to it.

Explain this sentence in your own words: 

The sentence is giving you some tips on stopping female flowers from laying eggs on your plants and crops.


Keep close watch for tomato and potato psyllid (TPP). Adults can be hard to see, they look like very tiny locusts about 1mm long. Signs of psyllid attack include a sugary deposit on the leaves, tiny yellow eggs on leaf edges and discoloured purple-yellow top growth, which is caused by a bacterium the insect injects into the plant when feeding. This pest can be controlled with Mavrik. Alternatively, keep plants covered with fine bug net to prevent females laying eggs on your plants.

What does this sentence mean

I think the meaning of this text is talking about pollination of course but also talking about what happens to bees during pollination, like in the text it says (Poor pollination can signal a lack of bees. It may also be weather related. When it’s humid, pollen grains get sticky and don ’t transfer well from bee to stigma). 

Poor pollination can signal a lack of bees. It may also be weather related. When it’s humid, pollen grains get sticky and don ’t transfer well from bee to stigma. Overly hot humid weather may also delay flowering. On the other hand, bees won’t fly when it's too cold or cloudy. For these kinds of reasons, some gardeners make sure of pollination by picking off the male flowers and dusting them onto the female flowers. We can also attract more bees to our garden by planting the flowers they love.

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